Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Meloni ‘Magic’ In EU Serves A Big Blow To Hamas

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Italian PM Giorgia Meloni served as a harsh blow to the Palestinian militant group – Hamas. As Meloni’s party won 28% of votes in the recent European Union elections, her influence within the EU is becoming increasingly evident. On 28th June 2024, the European Union led by a strong right-wing faction, imposed significant financial sanctions and visa bans on supporters of Hamas.

Many firms and individuals stand accused of financing the Palestinian militant Islamist group Hamas. These sanctions mark a substantial setback for Hamas and Gaza. Let’s explore how Meloni’s growing sway is shaping EU policies!

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Meloni Magic Ensures Sanctions On Hamas Supporters

The National Independent on X: "#BREAKING #EU #Gaza The European Union has announced sanctions on six individuals and three entities involved in financing Hamas. https://t.co/lWdtvtoije" / X
PC X @The National Independent

The EU and the West have been on a sanction spree this year. First, they froze Russian assets. Then they sanctioned Indian companies by accusing them of sales on behalf of Iran. However, this time they got their sanctions right. The EU’s latest move frees assets and bans visas of several entities and individuals linked to Hamas. This is the second round of sanctions since Hamas attacked innocent Israelis on 7th October 2023.

To date, the EU has blacklisted 12 individuals and 3 entities connected to the Islamist militant group.

They dealt with three front companies used by key financier Hamza Abdelbasit to channel funds to Hamas! These companies include the Spanish real estate firm Al Zawaya Group and two others based in Sudan. Additionally, the sanctions target the Head of Hamas’ “Foreign Investment Activities.” This was a group that helped money change hands and facilitate transfers from Iran. The official overseeing the group’s “Charitable Institutions Association” has also been sanctioned.

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The EU also imposed sanctions on Ali Morshed Shirazi, a senior Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp official. Shirazi manages Tehran’s connections to Palestinian groups from Lebanon. Top Hamas official Maher Rebhi Obeid, who is responsible for directing Hamas’ terrorist operations in the West Bank, was also added to the blacklist.

The Meloni Effect On the EU

Israel has fallen into Hamas trap in Gaza war, says Giorgia Meloni at G7 | Israel | The Guardian
PC The Guardian

The EU’s response to the Gaza conflict has been fragmented. Consequently, it struggles to find a unified position on the issue. However, this second set of sanctions on Hamas demonstrates a significant shift towards a more decisive and coordinated approach. EU diplomats suggest that following these sanctions, the bloc should now focus on violent Israeli extremists in the West Bank. In April, the EU imposed sanctions on four “extremist” Israeli settlers and two groups for violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.

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Giorgia Meloni’s rise to power and her assertive stance on international issues have impacted the EU’s policy decisions.

Her leadership within the right-wing faction has pushed the EU towards a tougher stance on militant groups like Hamas. Therefore, it can be said that “Meloni Magic” is reshaping the EU’s approach to Middle Eastern conflicts. Consequently, the EU demonstrates a firm commitment to addressing terrorism and violence by both Israeli extremists and Hamas.

How Do These Sanctions Impact Hamas?

EU to slap new sanctions on Hamas – POLITICO

Hamas leaders sit in comfortable homes in friendly nations while their foot soldiers use civilians as shields. They have effectively trapped Israelis in a war that has no end. The Jews are being bled by a thousand cuts in a guerrilla war. The high-tech Israeli Army is pouring in resources and manpower in an never-ending Urban War!

Therefore, these latest sanctions are good news for the Israelis. They may act as a strategic blow to Hamas. Why? Because it directly impacts their financial networks and operational capabilities. By targeting key financiers and support structures, the EU is crippling Hamas’ ability to sustain its militant activities. This move helps in two ways. Firstly, it curtails the group’s immediate operational capacity. And secondly, it sends a clear message about the EU’s resolve in combating Islamic terrorism.

In Summary

Giorgia Meloni’s influence within the EU is becoming increasingly significant. She is the leader of the right-wing factions in the European Union. And these recent sanctions against Hamas underscore her role in ensuring that the EU has a more assertive and united stance on terrorism. As the EU attempts to balance the complexities of the Hamas-Israel War, Meloni’s leadership and strategic vision are proving to be pivotal.

The “Meloni Magic” is ensuring that Islamic terrorism and its financiers are unable to function freely under the EU’s nose.

This marks a significant blow to Hamas and works as a warning to other Islamists around the world. The EU seems ready to fight against terrorism while trying to protect innocents. Thus, as the EU’s commitment to global security and stability evolves, Bharat will keep a close watch from the sidelines to ensure that it does not stray from the ‘Right’ path!

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