Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Kangaroo Court in West Bengal: A Disturbing Parallel to Taliban Justice

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A recent viral video of Kangaroo court from West Bengal, India, has unleashed a torrent of outrage and concern. The video shows a man named Tajemul, also known as JCB, brutally beating a woman. Tajemul, a close associate of Chopra MLA Hamidur Rahaman, runs an ‘insaf’ sabha. It is a local court where he dispenses ‘quick justice’. This incident has ignited a fierce debate about the state’s law and order under Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

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Kangaroo Court: A Breakdown of Law and Order

The brutal assault by Tajemul, a self-styled dispenser of justice, highlights the alarming trend of kangaroo courts in West Bengal. These informal courts, run by individuals with no legal authority. They operate outside the bounds of the official judicial system. They serve as a chilling reminder of the breakdown of law and order. The rule of law gives way to the rule of individuals wielding unchecked power.

Comparing to the Taliban

The comparisons to the Taliban reflect a harsh reality. The Taliban’s regime is notorious for its brutal and arbitrary enforcement of justice. It grossly violates due process and human rights. Similarly, Tajemul’s actions mirror this disturbing parallel. This parallel starkly reminds us of how such vigilante practices erode the very fabric of civil society.

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Political Ramifications of Kangaroo Court

This incident also casts a harsh spotlight on the political environment in West Bengal. Critics of the Trinamool Congress government argue that the proliferation of such kangaroo courts directly results from the state’s failure to uphold the rule of law. They contend that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s administration has not curbed these illegal courts. In some cases, tacitly allowed them to flourish as a means of maintaining local control.

Silence from Key Figures

One of the most concerning aspects of this incident is the silence from certain political figures and journalists who are often vocal about human rights violations. This selective outrage suggests a troubling double standard, where condemnation is reserved for politically convenient targets while similar abuses within their sphere of influence are ignored or downplayed. This silence undermines the credibility of those who claim to stand for justice and human rights.

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The viral video of Tajemul’s brutal assault on a woman is more than just an isolated incident; it reveals a deeper malaise afflicting West Bengal’s justice system. The rise of kangaroo courts and local enforcers of ‘justice’ like Tajemul highlights a dangerous erosion of legal norms and human rights. Drawing parallels to the Taliban underscores the severity of this issue and serves as a stark warning of the consequences of allowing such practices to continue unchecked. The onus now rests on the TMC government to take decisive action against these kangaroo courts and restore faith in the rule of law.

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