Thursday, July 4, 2024

Did Rahul Gandhi Unveil His Hinduphobia In Parliament?!

Must Read

On the first day of Parliament, Rahul Gandhi made indecent remarks about the Hindu community. His speech was filled with lies, reminiscent of his election rallies. However, Parliament is not an election rally. Here, MPs must adhere to decency and truth. Statements made without proof are not admitted. Despite being repeatedly elected since 2004, Rahul seems unaware of Parliamentary behavior or rules. Let’s explore his vile words and the INC’s proven track of Hinduphobia!  

Low Attendance in Parliament Or Low IQ?

Rahul Gandhi is known for his Thailand trips and frequent sojourns abroad. Thus, his low attendance in parliament is hardly a surprise for Bharat. However, his unparliamentary words may be a consequence of two things. Firstly, it may be an indication of his low IQ related to parliament and its work. And secondly, it may be a function of his lower-than-average attendance. Rahul Gandhi’s attendance record is as follows:

51% in the 17th Lok Sabha, 52% in the 16th, and a dismal 0.4% in the 15th Lok Sabha.

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All fall short of the national average of over 70%. Yet, with a 99-seat win, Rahul secured the seat of Leader of Opposition. And in his first act? He misrepresented Lord Shiva and attempted to secularize the ‘Abhay mudra’. He claimed that Sikhs, Muslims, and Christians promote peace and unity through ‘Abhay Mudra.’

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It seems that RaGa needs additional tuition on the reality of religions in Bharat. Moroever, he might even need extra classes from Jairam Ramesh and Sam Pitroda to ensure that his words and actions do not violate parliamentary conduct. The damage to Hindu identity was colossal on the very first day of Parliament under the able attack of the LOO – Rahul Gandhi!

Rahul Gandhi’s Hiduphobic Display In Parliament

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Rahul condemned all Hindus in his hate speech, a community he has politically exploited for INC’s seat gain. He called them violent and filled with communal hate. When PM Modi objected, Rahul claimed his words were only meant for BJP. However, video recordings of the parliament affairs show him clearly talking about all Hindus. Thus, he attempted to hide his hateful remarks that malign the majority of Bharat. His words were expunged from the record for violating Parliamentary rules.

Rahul claimed, “Those who call themselves Hindus only talk about violence, hatred, and lies.” 

When confronted by the media, RaGa sang the same unapologetic song. He was not remorseful about his words or conduct. Moreover, he went on the offensive by characterizing the BJP and RSS as ‘Hinsak’ elements of Bharat. Thus, it seems that he truly believes in his Parliament Speech. For Rahul Gandhi, ‘Hindus Are Hinsak’!  

Toolkit Kicks In To Protect Shehzada

The cover-up and counter to Rahul Gandhi’s speech kicked in almost immediately. The keyboard warriors of Shahzada’s team activated the toolkit on social media. Their keyword was “Sheer Audacity”! This word was taken directly from Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s tweet. It was an attempt to shame both the FM of Bharat and the BJP.

The toolkit tried to present RaGa’s speech as a clipped story of the BJP.

They refuse to admit that their Jananayak has true hatred for the Hindus of Bharat.

Instead, their toolkit agenda was to shame the BJP. They presented that the BJP is trying to imply that BJP means Hindus. And any words spoken against the BJP are an insult to Hindus. However, the video of Rahul Gandhi’s speech is clear. He said Hindus and he meant Hindus. The actual speech is evidence of Rahul Gandhi’s Hinduphobia. And the toolkit narrative aims to hide this reality of their inexperienced and immature leader.

UPA’s Hindu Hatred – The Communal Violence Bill 

parliament: Communal Violence Bill to be introduced in upcoming winter session of Parliament - The Economic Times
PC The Economic Times

Rahul Gandhi’s speech was not only indecent but also dangerous. His lies and misrepresentations, even in the sacred halls of Parliament, show a blatant disregard for truth and decorum. His audacity to insult the Hindu community while hiding behind a political facade is infuriating. However, this is not the first time the Congress and its allies have tried to stifle the Hindu majority of Bharat.

Communal violence bill: Sushil Kumar Shinde drops provisions to keep BJP in good humour - The Economic Times
PC The Economic Times

In 2005, the UPA-I tried to pass the Communal Violence Bill. The theme of the bill was presented as the protection of minorities in case of communal riots. However, the hidden reality was that the Hindu majority was automatically assumed guilty until proven in any case of communal violence. This Bill also tried to give central government control over areas where any such incident occurs, Thereby, bypassing the state authority and autonomy of law and order. Thankfully, the Bill was never made into law.

In Summary

Why does the Congress hate Hindus? - Quora
PC Quora

Therefore, the Hindus who vote for change or caste should analyze the country and its hidden agenda well. The Congress does not view India that is Bharat as one country, for it and its cabal is a ‘racially diverse’ unit. And they exploit the regional and caste faultlines every time to pull Hindu votes. The INC vote share of 23% in 2024 should not surprise Bharat. They have a stable vote back of the Muslim community through their proven track record of appeasement, even at the cost of Hindus. And their caste rhetoric gave them an additional boost of a few percentile. 

RaGa’s speech in the parliament was a perfect reflection of Hindu Hate.

His lies in the election rallies do not work in the parliament. Thus, he resorts to hurting and misrepresenting the facts of the Hindu ideology and its organization. It is high time Rahul Gandhi learns the responsibilities of his position and respects the dignity of Parliament. However, at least for the next five years, Hindus will be subjected to his vile words and foul language. May this RaGa speech bring clarity of vote to voters in the upcoming state elections. Congress is not a friend to Hindus, it has never been, and it will never change!

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