Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Chaos in Kathua: Mob Violence Erupts Over Mosque Demolition

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In a dramatic turn of events on June 29, 2024, Kathua district in Jammu and Kashmir became a battleground. A mob clashed fiercely with police during an anti-encroachment drive aimed at demolishing an illegal mosque. The incident unfolded in the Kalyanpur Padri area of Nagri tehsil, Hiranagar. It escalated into a confrontation that left several officers injured, including a Deputy Superintendent of Police.

Mob Resists, Police Fire Warning Shots

Initially a protest against the demolition, the gathering quickly spiraled into chaos as protesters from the Gujjar Bakarwal community allegedly attacked police personnel and vandalized equipment, notably JCB machines brought in for the demolition. The situation deteriorated to the point where police were compelled to fire warning shots into the air to disperse the mob and regain control of the volatile situation.

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Injuries and Damage

The clash resulted in significant injuries, with six police personnel. This includes the DSP, sustaining serious wounds from stone pelting. The DSP required multiple stitches for head injuries sustained during the violent confrontation. Moreover, the mob succeeded in damaging the JCB machines. They hindered the planned demolition and exacerbating tensions in the area.

Officials Rush to Scene, Deploy Additional Forces

Responding swiftly to the escalating violence, Kathua SSP Anayat Ali and additional reinforcements were deployed. They began restoring order and ensure the safety of all involved. The injured officers were promptly evacuated to the district hospital for urgent medical treatment.

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Calls for Peace and Resolution

As authorities grapple with the aftermath, they emphasize the gravity of the incident. It is imperative to find a peaceful resolution to the underlying issues. The incident underscores ongoing challenges related to land disputes and communal sensitivities in the region.

The events in Kathua serve as a stark reminder of the volatility surrounding land disputes and the delicate balance required to address community grievances while upholding legal norms and public safety. As investigations continue and tensions simmer, officials remain steadfast in their commitment to restoring calm and preventing further escalation in the region.

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