Friday, July 5, 2024

General Elections 2024 – Was It India’s First AI-Driven Election Season?

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India’s General Election 2024 winds down to a close. The campaigns are over and the votes are cast. All that is left of the bustling, vibrant democratic festival is the exit polls and the results! However, the news of election interference by foreign firms using AI has shocked the nation.

The last five years have seen a dramatic increase in the dependence on technology. The advent of AI has changed the game in every sector. Thus, it is obvious that Artificial Intelligence or AI was also a pivotal player in India’s election cycle. It seems Bharat’s General Elections 2024 were an AI-driven conversation! Let’s explore!

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General Elections 2024 and AI’s Sneaky Debut

Israeli Firm Tried to Influence Lok Sabha Elections 2024, Open AI Makes Big Claim - Republic World
PC Republic World

Sam Altman and his team at OpenAI recently revealed a jaw-dropping twist in India’s election saga. An influence campaign called “Zero Zeno” was run by an Israeli political campaign management firm STOIC. The company attempted to sway the Indian electorate using AI-generated content.

Reports talk of how a network began spewing pro-Congress and anti-BJP rhetoric in the month of may.

Thankfully, the operations were shut-down within 24 hours! However, netizens are aghast to know that they were the audience of a high-tech puppet show. And the strings of algorithms were in the hands of puppeteers sitting comfortably in Tel Aviv. 

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Naturally, this revelation sent shockwaves through the Indian political landscape. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister for Electronics and Information Technology, took to social media to condemn the interference. He says that this is a serious threat to democracy, demanding an urgent investigation. The minister also criticized platforms like OpenAI for their tardiness in reporting the news. Thereby, suggesting they could have blown the whistle sooner to ensure the interference is mitigated in time. 

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AI-Assisted General Elections 2024: Laughter and Rage in the Digital Age

Models, dead netas, campaigning from jail: How AI is shaping Lok Sabha polls - India Today
PC India Today

Whatever the case, AI sure filled the general elections in 2024 with drama. All content creators went wild with the free AI tools to give this election cycle a creative turn. The Fastest-Finger-First social media platforms were awash with AI-assisted cartoons and videos. Some of these expressions of creativity were reported to the law and some became instant sensations.

Thus, this election season online conversations was dominated by digital creations that ranged from hilarious caricatures of political leaders to sharp-witted animations critiquing party policies. Whether they amused or enraged netizens, one thing was clear – AI was the new king of political satire. Politically themed AI-generated songs and jingles became the unofficial anthems of general elections in 2024. Therefore, setting the tone for a new kind of digitally driven democracy!!

Social Media: AI’s Echo Chamber of Politics

AI didn’t just stick to creating content. It was also busy behind the scenes, steering conversations on social media. AI-assisted threads and discussions dominated platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Most netizens beat algorithms using clever hashtags, like #WhatsWrongWithIndia, to amplify their politically charged topics. When audience reach and monetization were limited by corporations, AI-assisted curated topics ensured that ‘Freedom Of Expression’ stayed alive in the game.

‘Jugaad’ was the name of the game


‘AI’ was the players’ name!!!

Dawn of An AI-Driven Democracy?

As the election results approach, the implications of AI’s role in the political arena are undeniable. On one hand, the use of AI to influence elections raised critical questions about national security and the sovereignty of democratic institutions. Moreover, the involvement of foreign entities underscored the need for robust regulations and international cooperation. While on the other hand, it was clear that AI could add a touch of drama and humor to elections.

Thus, it seems that AI’s influence on social media opened a Pandora’s box of ethical and geopolitical concerns.

The General Election 2024 in India may well go down in history as the first AI-driven election. It was a spectacle of digital innovation where humor and high stakes blended together. And it showcased the transformative power of technology. As AI continues to evolve, so too must the understanding of its human users. Governments must put in place regulations to control their role in democratic processes. However, using AI tools for creative expression during elections should enjoy a little political leniency. The only thing that matters in the end is a global regulation of AI tools that define the ethical limits to this digital advancement. After all, in this brave new world of digital puppetry, we must ensure that the strings of democracy remain firmly in the hands of the people.

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