Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Russia Under Attack by ‘Peaceful’ Radicals

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The North Caucasus region of Russia saw ‘peaceful’ violence. Gunmen unleashed chaos in Dagestan on Sunday, 23rd June 2024. These ‘agents of ‘peace’ targeted churches, synagogues, and a police checkpoint. The attack claimed the lives of eight police and National Guard officers and one priest.

These simultaneous attacks hit Dagestan’s largest city, Makhachkala, and the coastal city of Derbent.

Russian officials launched criminal probes over these acts of terror. In Makhachkala, police killed four gunmen, while two were neutralized in Derbent. Russian authorities have arrested Magomed Omarov, head of the Sergokalinsky district. Reports state that his two sons were part of attack. The attacks on Orthodox churches, a synagogue, and a police checkpoint highlighted the attackers’ coordinated efforts. Let’s explore!

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Russia Faces ‘Peaceful’ Violence

The attack and subsequent operation in Derbent resulted in the loss of six officers, leaving twelve more wounded. The Russian Orthodox Church mourned Archpriest Nikolai Kotelnikov, who was brutally killed in Derbent. The priest was part of the community for 40 years and the authorities have announced a 3 day mourning in his honor. These synchronous attacks also targeted synagogues in the region. The Derbent synagogue was burnt, while the Makhachkala synagogue was similarly attacked. Thankfully, no casualties were reported there.

Sunday’s attacks coincided with Pentecost Sunday, a significant Orthodox holiday. The attack forced nineteen people to seek refuge in a Makhachkala church and were later evacuated safely. The attackers’ motive seemed clear: destabilize society and instill fear. The law enforcement source suggested these gunmen supported an international terrorist organization.

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The War of Narratives 

Dagestan is a predominantly Muslim republic. It has been a hub for Islamist terror activities for two decades. It shares borders with Chechnya, another region plagued by insurgency. The rise of terrorism in Dagestan stems from the clash between Sufism and Salafism. The latter follows a rigorous interpretation of Sunni Islam, similar to the Islamic State’s ideology.

Caucasus Emirate
PC CREST Research

A terrorist group known as the Caucasus Emirate, later renamed as Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus, operated in Dagestan from 2007 to 2017. They carried out assaults in Dagestan as well as the neighboring Russian republics of Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, and Ingushetia. Russian authorities are usually in conflict with Islamist militants across the North Caucasus.

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Militant activities are prevalent in the region. Usually, terrorists commit numerous attacks against state officials, security forces, and civilians. Despite the presence of terrorism, Russia has been able to control these forces without much effort. However, since the Ukraine-Russia war began, it is obvious that external forces present in Ukraine are orchestrating these attacks.

bne IntelliNews - US told Moscow that Crocus City Hall was terrorist target
PC bne IntelliNews : Crocus City Hall Attacked By Islamists

The authorities speculate that it was an attempt to make Russia bleed due to internal conflicts and draw away resources from the Ukraine-Russia war. The Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow gave Russia as proof of Ukraine’s involvement in promoting terror in the nation. While the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Crocus City Hall attack, their captured operatives confessed to Western ‘help’ in formulating and perpetrating terrorism in Russia.

Russia Foils Plots With Security Measures

Russia’s FSB security service is a vigilant force that attempts to detect and thwart terrorists on Russian soil. In April 2024, they effectively stopped an IS plot to attack a Moscow synagogue and conducted raids in Dagestan. The FSB detained members of a terrorist cell planning attacks in Kaspiysk. Thus, these operations highlight an orchestrated attempt to threaten Russia and its government.

Russia’s commitment to combating terrorism is actively used by the West and Ukraine to pull away focus from its own conflict with the nation.

However, the recent attack in Dagestan proves that Russian intelligence is not infallible! The West is doing what it does best. It is arming terrorists to bleed the Russian forces and resources. Their aim is to weaken the Russian Federation by arming opposing radical ‘peacefuls’! However, these actions also prove that the West and Ukraine are desperate to divert Russian forces. Let’s hope that Putin’s justice will soon ensure that Dagestan is no longer the West’s breeding ground for terror in Russia!

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